Conversation starter, by Britta Benson

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Today has been one of those panic days… I challenged myself to write a poem a day. Most days, this simply happens, all in good time. I write a first draft, I edit, I tweak and twist until I’m happy with the end result, and then I put it on my blog.

Sometimes, the poem simply refuses to make an appearance. Time ticks and tocks, still, nothing. Once we’re in the proper evening hours, I get nervous. Must write poem, must write poem – and of course I don’t have to write a poem. This is all self inflicted. But I like my challenge. I like the pressure. Some of my best work was the direct result of pressure. Also, some of my worst work was the direct result of pressure.

Not sure, where today’s poem fits in… Here goes. ‘Conversation starter’. My 28th April 2022 poem. The best I could come up with. I’ll write another one tomorrow, so that takes the pressure off a little. Sometimes, the poems I doubt the most get more likes than the poems I value a lot.

Conversation starter

You said, you needed answers.

How about



‘Not in my wildest.’

The truth hides somewhere

between the lines,

over, under, behind,

so thin, fickle, flirty,

just a glimpse of a glance,

sneaking in and out

of the big fat ‘Nos’,

the way-hey ‘Yesses’,

the in-your-face ‘Not in my wildest’,

and then turns itself

into another question.

‘What if?’

‘Why not?’

‘What next?’

5 thoughts on “Conversation starter, by Britta Benson

    1. Thanks, Terveen. I usually talk too much. Not necessarily a good thing… Sometimes I think, my husband and my son would appreciate it if I came with an ‘off’ button, so that they could enjoy five minutes peace. I guess, that’s why they encourage my writing practice so much. When I write, I can’t speak at the same time. Gives my family much needed peace…


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