A thought, by Britta Benson

Photo by Kelly L on Pexels.com

One of the prompts I regularly look out for, is Rebecca Cuningham’s Monthly Poetry Challenge on http://www.fakeflamenco.com. This month, the challenge is to describe a mystery person or place in up to 14 lines of free verse. Here’s the link: https://fakeflamenco.com/2022/05/03/may-2022-poetry-challenge/

Here’s my response, and yes, I guess, I did cheat a little by using the picture above for my post… not much of a riddle:

A thought

In the beginning, oh, so simple. Big. With utmost certainty.

Here. Where else? Rooted through three levels of floors,

kitchen doors, the unquestionable centre of my universe.

Then, time passed. I grew and some bricks didn’t feel right,

walls tight. I packed box, box, box, full of complication,

suddenly everything became small. Hall of residence, 10 m2.

My own higgledy, piggledy palace of borrowed, old and blue,

never new, don’t be silly. Next chapters. The theme familiar:

stuff – packed, stacked, unpacked, was this thing tidal?

Sometimes more, sometimes less, people, mess, confusion,

a continuous search, hope and expectation of who knows what.

In the end, it feels simple. Now, at its smallest. Just a thought.

A certainty, inside my soul’s core. Doesn’t need a bigger place.

3 thoughts on “A thought, by Britta Benson

      1. I appreciate your poetic contribution to the May Challenge. Your poem reminds me of our child who at 13 believes they want to be in this home forever. I’ve let them know I accept and cherish that sentiment and it’s also ok if they change their mind later.


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